The call of Jesus to share his ministry as a Priest or Deacon or religious Sister or Brother is made more frequently and more widely than we may think. The challenge to us as parents and fellow parishioners is nurture the vocational call of Jesus to ‘follow me’ especially among our young people through our own example and prayer. The sign of vocation as a priest or deacon, or member of a community of Consecrated life will always find expression in the desire to be of service. Help is at hand to discern God’s call and to listen to your story and your hopes for the future.
So, What is Vocation?
God Calls is a free App for Catholics aged 16-35. The aim? to help you go deep with God, and build solid ground with Him through prayer. The App's a bit like a spiritual tool kit. Inside God Calls you will find the Gospel for each day, plus questions to prompt reflection, twitter feeds, quizzes and event info.
For more information and ideas please visit Diocesan Vocations Office | Birmingham Diocesan Trust (birminghamdiocese.org.uk)
A prayer for finding a path in life:
St John Bosco, you guided many young people to find a direction in life and to discover their vocation. Help me to recognise my gifts and how they can help to build a better world. Help me most of all to deepen my relationship with Jesus as a faithful friend on my journey. May I always be in step with his loving kindness and be faithful to his Gospel of justice and peace.
'You will find your vocation at the point where your deepest and best desires meet the world's greatest needs.' (Pope Francis)