59 Hollow Way, Cowley
Oxford, OX4 2ND
01865 770910

Baptism of Adults

An increasing number of adults are searching for God and are finding answers to the deeper questions of life through faith in Jesus.  God will often invite us to get to know him better through the ordinary circumstances of life and the joys and sorrows along the way. Through the life of the parish we journey in faith together.

A good starting point is to come to the Sunday Mass.  Please say ‘hello’ to Fr. Harry - he doesn't always spot a new member!  You will soon find you are among friends. Through the year there are opportunities to explore faith and be guided in prayer.  We have found that the resources offered by CaFE (Catholic Faith Exploration) have helped a number of people towards embracing the Catholic faith.  

Adults are baptised at the Easter Vigil.  They complete their initiation through Confirmation and Holy Communion on the same occasion.

Adults who are already baptised may follow a similar path towards Reception into the Church.  They already come with the gift of faith seeking a home in the Catholic family.

Our Lady Help of Christians Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No. 234216