The Bishops of England and Wales have now restored the obligation for Catholics who can to attend Mass in person on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation. For those who cannot attend for any reason we do have a live streaming service from Our Lady's Church which can be accessed at any time day or night. We can be viewed here: https://www.mcn.live/Camera/our-lady-help-of-christians
We use live streaming to enable:
- Housebound parishioners to engage with Mass from home
- Relatives/friends who cannot attend a baptism/wedding/funeral to engage with it
- The tabernacle to be used as a focus for prayer for those who cannot get to church;
- Evangelisation: enabling those who cannot or do not attend church for any reason to engage with acts of worship
All of the above reasons are necessary in the legitimate interests of the church.
Please be aware of the following:
- The images are made available live over the internet, and can be accessed by anyone who wishes to do so
- Live streaming is carried out during services and a camera focussed on the sanctuary is live streaming at all times (see photo for camera view)
- Those who do not wish to have their image live streamed are advised to avoid the front half of the church. If you do not wish to come to the front of the church for Holy Communion please speak to Fr. Harry before Mass