59 Hollow Way, Cowley
Oxford, OX4 2ND
01865 770910


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OLHOC Ministries

Every day we are serving others in our family, at work, among our neighbours. As members of the parish this is our main work of service and we support one another by our prayer and encouragement. Often, we are aware that we are holding together different aspects of our busy lives.

It is also our responsibility to help other parishioners, especially new members, grow in their faith and ensure the sick and elderly are affirmed. We have buildings and beautiful spaces to maintain, schools to serve and the life of prayer and church liturgy to prepare. Many value social activities not to mention the imperative of evangelisation – the call to share our faith with people in our local neighbourhood and beyond.

Please consider offering your service in one of the following ways. With each area there is an indication of the time commitment involved.

Join in!

If you would like to be involved in the life of the parish, please print off the form below indicating which area(s) interest you and return to Fr. Harry.

Download form166.57 KB
Soup Bowl

Lunch Club

Come and see and perhaps help support the Lunch Club 12-2pm on the first Friday of each month. 

Altar Linen

Help to ensure all our church cloths and fabrics are kept clean and ready. In your own time. Please contact: Bernadette 774734

Social Group

Help plan and organise social events and gatherings. Four evening meetings per year. 

Musicians and Singers

Music and singing lie at the heart of our life of prayer and celebration of faith. Live music supports the singing at the 11.00 am Sunday Mass enhancing our liturgy and leading us towards full, conscious and active participation. We try to plan for the seasons of the church year by occasional meetings and new members gain confidence by joining in at the Sunday Mass. 


Help prepare the church and the things which need to be in place before and after Mass or other Services.  Please contact: Robin 717575

Repository shop

Help make available cards, books and devotional items by taking a turn at a Sunday Mass.  Please contact: Geraldine, Parish Secretary by email olhoc.oxford@rcaob.org.uk  or telephone 01865 770910

Maintenance Banner

Building Maintenance

With large buildings comes the associated responsibility of good maintenance. Your skills and advice are invaluable in understanding and solving any maintenance issues. See an example of one current issue in this short video. Please contact: Fr. Harry 770910

Helping children prepare for Holy Communion & Reconciliation

After school for one hour on Thursday afternoons from the beginning of February to June. Please contact: Fr. Harry 770910

Church Border Flowers

Church Grounds and Gardens

Join a small team who keep our grounds looking good through the seasons. Occasional bursts of activity at a time of your choosing. Please contact: Fr. Harry 770910


The weekly financial contributions received need to be organised, counted and banked. Join a team to take a turn every two or three weeks for two hours in the daytime. Please contact: Fr. Harry 770910

Finance Committee

The parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham, a Registered Charity. The committee meet three times a year in the evening to help monitor and manage parish income, expenditure and special projects. Members also help promotion of the Gift Aid scheme and the Annual Report to parishioners and at times of audit. If you are interested in being part of the finance team please contact: Brendan 432900

Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion

Help make it possible for all at Mass to receive the Body of Christ. You may also be able to help the sick and house-bound receive Holy Communion regularly. There is a published roster for Sunday Mass where your turn comes around every few weeks. Please contact: Mabel 402056 or Geraldine in the parish office olhoc.oxford@rcaob.org.uk

Junior Club

Junior Club (8-11yrs), in the care of the Salesian Sisters and Cooperators, meets at Our Lady's School during school term time on Wednesdays 3-5pm. Extra help is always appreciated. Please contact: Jackie 776729

Junior Church - helping children celebrate the Sunday Gospel

During the first part of the Sunday 11.00 am Mass. Please contact: Fr. Harry 770910

Altar Servers

Our Altar Servers work hard to help us celebrate well on Sundays, feast days, and other special occasions. If you are a young person who has made your first Holy Communion we need your help. You will enjoy being with the others too. You don’t need to be an expert – we learn as we go.  Please speak to Fr. Harry next time you are in church.

Reading at Mass

Use your gift of proclaiming the scriptures in a way which helps others hear God’s word. There is a published roster for Sunday Mass where your turn comes around monthly or less. A little extra help is usually requested during Holy Week and Christmas. Please contact: Geraldine, Parish Secretary, by email olhoc.oxford@rcaob.org.uk or telephone 01865 770910

Cleaning Materials

Church Cleaning

Join a small team who share out the work of keeping our church clean and tidy. A turn usually comes around lasting about one hour every three weeks, at a time and day to suit the members. Please contact: Vitalija vitalijamatvey@gmail.com

Hospital visiting

Hospital Visiting

Our local hospitals are well served by the priest chaplains based at St Anthony of Padua.
The chaplains would like to develop a team of hospital visitors who would contact the Catholic patients on the wards and be able to offer them a word of encouragement and access to the Sacraments.
If you feel able to offer 1-2 hours per week at a time and day of your choice, please let Fr. Harry know and he will put your names forward to the chaplaincy who will organise training and also the necessary clearance by the hospital authorities.

Safeguarding Representative

Safeguarding children, young people and adults who may be vulnerable, is at the heart of the mission we share with Jesus, the Good Shepherd. By promoting good practice in all our parish activities, we share responsibility for ensuring that all are kept safe. Our Parish Safeguarding Representative is Liz Moran 778685

Bowling Skittles

Youth Activities

If you have a gift for working with young people and would like to help develop activities in the parish please contact: Fr. Harry 770910

Evangelisation Team

Pope Francis has emphasised that each one of us is called to evangelise – to share the good news of the Gospel. It is only by growing in our personal relationship with Jesus Christ that the mission of the Church can be effective in our time.

The Evangelisation Team seek to provide opportunities for us to share our faith with one another and others in our neighbourhood who are thirsty for good news. Be part of a team planning and promoting evangelisation. Please contact: Fr. Harry 770910

Sunday Coffee

Take a turn at serving the refreshments after Mass on Sunday. Please add your name and choice of date to the sign-up list in the kitchen.

Wedding Flowers


Join a small team who help brighten our church for Sundays and feast days usually once every three weeks, at a time and day to suit the members. Please contact: Jackie 776729

Helping children prepare for Confirmation

Every Monday afternoon 4.00-5.00 pm from Lent until May.  Please contact: Fr. Harry 770910


Our parish coordinator helps build awareness of the work and mission of CAFOD. Find out more about the work of CAFOD here...

Our Lady Help of Christians Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No. 234216