59 Hollow Way, Cowley
Oxford, OX4 2ND
01865 770910

Donations and Gift Aid

Here’s a riddle: how can you give more money to our parish without it costing you any more?

Gift Aid – Learn how you can give more to the Church through a tax rebate.


Dear Parishioners

I know that we all appreciate our beautiful church and all that goes on around it.  I thank you all for your generosity especially over the last year when things have been very difficult for many.  But it takes a lot of money to run a parish and so I must ask you to think about the financial support that you give to Our Lady Help of Christians.  

There is a way to give more money without it coming out of your pocket.  As a charity we are able to claim money back from the government at no cost to yourselves under the Gift Aid scheme. 

The Parish benefits as it can claim tax relief from the government i.e. for every £10.00 you give, the Parish will receive a further £2.50 from the government (please make sure that you have paid at least as much tax as we are claiming back because HMRC will hold you responsible to pay any excess).  I am extremely grateful to the many parishioners in the Parish who already support this scheme, but the number of people registered for Gift Aid has been slowly decreasing for a while, and I would like to ask you all to consider joining the Gift Aid scheme with effect from April 2024, please.  

Your contribution would be completely flexible week by week depending on your financial circumstances.  You can give in the weekly collections by using the Gift Aid envelopes or you can set up a standing order.  You can leave the scheme at any time should you so wish. 

What you need to know about Gift Aid:

  • It’s a real help to the Parish. 
  • It is a confidential scheme.
  • You do not have to promise to give a certain amount of money.
  • There are no details of earnings needed.

If you feel you can support the scheme please fill in a Gift Aid Declaration Form, available from Geraldine Griffin, Parish Secretary, Email: olhoc.oxford@rcaob.org.uk, Tel: 01865 770 910, or you can download a copy from the bottom of this page.

Thank you and please support our parish community as much as you can.

Fr. Harry Curtis        


Our Lady Help of Christians Parish is part of the Archdiocese of Birmingham: Registered Charity No. 234216